Understanding the genetics of childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus

Project Period:

Grant Category:
Large Grant

Disease Area:
Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC), SVARD, Monogenic Lupus

Lupus is a life threatening, chronic disease. One in 5 patients are children or adolescents when diagnosed, and are at increased risk of suffering permanent organ damage from disease and its toxic medications. Prior studies have shown that genetic differences are important in determining who will get lupus and what body systems are affected. Yet no prior studies have had adequate numbers of patients with detailed clinical information collected over time. On behalf of the CARRA Lupus Genetics Work Group, we propose to initiate genetic studies of lupus patients enrolled in the CARRA Lupus Registry. The Registry includes more than 800 children and adolescents with lupus from sites across the CARRA network. Biologic samples are not collected in all patients. This is a missed opportunity to understand the biology of lupus. We propose studying both rare and common changes in genes of lupus patients to better understand lupus genetics.


Linda Tayeko Hiraki , MD, ScD

The Hospital for Sick Children

Related Awarded Grants

Disease Area:
Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC)

CARRA Samples for funded LRA Global Team Science Award