Apply for Funding
RFAs and applications will be on Proposal Central, a web-based grants submission and management platform. For the 2024 cycle, all grants (with the exception of those accepted on a rolling basis) are due March 15, 2024.

Before an application can be submitted, applicants must register as a user on Proposal Central
Click here for Proposal Central’s guide on how to set up an account.
Click here for Proposal Central’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).
Still need help with Proposal Central? Reach out to Proposal Central’s Support Desk
Once you have an account, Proposal Central has a variety of helpful tools and tutorials to help you navigate the system.
Email [email protected] with any questions for CARRA about grant opportunities.
What You Need to Know
CARRA grant applications are collected through Proposal Central. Please follow the instructions below to submit a grant application:
- Make sure your CARRA membership is up to date. Non-members or those with expired memberships will not be able to submit an application.
- Create your Proposal Central login and complete the user training if needed.
- Find the grant opportunity for which you want to submit an application.
- Be sure to read all the information about the grant opportunity before submitting your application.
Resources for Early Investigators
The Research Development Program (RDP) is available to support CARRA Early Investigators who would like additional guidance as they initiate independent research, including project development and grant writing.The goals of the RDP are to:
A) facilitate the successful development of early investigator-led, CARRA-related research projects
B) promote career advancement of early investigators.
Learn more about the Early Investigator Research Development Program.
Tips & Important Information for First-Time Applicants
- Make sure your CARRA membership is up to date prior to submitting your application.
- Begin the application process early. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your application.
- Request letters of support in advance. Allow enough time for collaborators/mentors to prepare a support letter for your project. Late applications will not be accepted.
- Read the grant application instructions carefully to prevent an administrative decline of your proposal. Pay attention to margins and page limits and use the required templates.
- Have seasoned investigators review your application prior to submitting. Getting feedback from others in your field can only strengthen your application.
- Remember to proofread your application for spelling errors.
- Check your math. Make sure the amounts indicated in the budget justification matches the amounts listed in the budget table. This could affect the total amount to be awarded if they are not equal.
- If the proposed project involves transferring existing samples, be sure to plan the appropriate time to negotiate/implement the Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs).
- Ask questions! Don’t hesitate to contact CARRA’s Grants Manager Emily Klein, at [email protected] if you need clarification about budget allowances or have other application related questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I request a Letter of Support from a CARRA Committee?
CARRA members can request a Letter of Support (LOS) from Steering Committee Chairs or Workgroup Leaders for intramural grant submissions.
Please note the CARRA Executive Committee (EC) and Research and Registry Oversight Committee (RROC) will not provide a LOS for intramural grants.
Requests require 2 weeks to process, though submission 6 weeks in advance is strongly encouraged during CARRA’s grant cycle
My grant proposal includes use of the CARRA Registry and/or Biobank. Do I need to pre-submit my grant application through Data and Sample Share Committee (DSSC)?
Yes. Grant applicants that intend to utilize the CARRA Registry or CARRA-related data and/or samples (including Legacy Registry and APPLE data/samples) must receive approval from the CARRA Data Sample Share Committee (DSSC) prior to submitting their grant applications.
Data/sample requests take 4-6 weeks for review and approval.
For more information on requesting data/samples and to access the request form, please visit the CARRA Data and Samples Request area of the CARRA Wiki.
Who can I contact with questions?
Please email [email protected] with any questions about CARRA grant opportunities.
New investigators – defined by NIH as having a faculty appointment but no past or present K series grant (or other major career development award) or R series grants.
CARRA Early investigators – defined by CARRA as being within 7 years of completion of rheumatology fellowship training and at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor (or equivalent at institution) but not higher.
CARRA member in good standing – defined as a member that has no outstanding progress reports past due for previous CARRA-Arthritis Foundation funded projects.
Key Personnel – defined as individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive measurable way.
Principal Investigator (PI) – defined as the individual judged by the applicant organization to have the appropriate level of authority and responsibility to direct the project supported by the grant.
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) – defined the same as a Principal Investigator (see above) but when more than one principal investigator is required to direct the project, each PI should be listed as a Co-PI.
Co-Investigator (Co-I) – defined as an individual involved with the PI in the scientific development or execution of a project. The Co-I may be employed by, or be affiliated with, the applicant/recipient organization or another organization participating in the project under a consortium agreement. A Co-I typically devotes a specified percentage of time to the project and is considered key personnel.
A Collaborator plays a lessor role in the thinking and logistics of the project than a Co-I. Depending on the role and effort, a collaborator may be designated as Key Personnel and may be compensated.
A Consultant provides expert advice and opinion on what needs to be done, most often for a fee. Generally, a consultant is not considered Key Personnel. However, if the consultant contributes to the scientific development or execution of a project substantively and measurably, he/she should be designated as such.
Faculty level – defined as an investigator with an appointed position with a title such as Instructor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor. Faculty level investigators cannot have a trainee appointment.
Research Misconduct – defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results, according to 42 CFR Part 93.
Fabrication – making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
Falsification – manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
Plagiarism – the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.