Optimizing Care Delivery in Pediatric Lupus
Project Period:
Grant Category:
Implementation Science Grant
Disease Area:
Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC)
Systemic lupus erythematosus, or lupus, is a chronic condition. Lupus can cause inflammation in multiple organ systems. When lupus is diagnosed in childhood, there is more risk for long-term complications. Our hypothesis is that a standard approach to measure disease activity during pediatric rheumatology clinic visits will lead to better control of disease and prevent bad outcomes. For this grant, our 4 sites will design an intervention to standardize disease activity measurement for pediatric lupus at the point of care. We will use well-known tools to help design our intervention and then evaluate how feasible it will be. Finally, we will recruit more pediatric rheumatology centers to participate in the next phase of the project that will test the intervention. This research will help pediatric rheumatologists better understand how to optimize care for children with lupus.

Emily A. Smitherman
The Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaRelated Awarded Grants
Disease Area:
Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC)
CARRA Samples for funded LRA Global Team Science Award
Disease Area:
Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC)