Improving Identification of CARRA Subjects and Adverse Events through Novel Electronic Tools: A Multi-Center Study

Project Period:

Grant Category:
Small Grant

Disease Area:
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), Lupus and Related Conditions (SLE/RC), Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)

The electronic health record (EHR) is the computer system which contains patient records such as notes, medicines, diagnosis, and lab results. This has a lot of rich information about patients and their conditions. We will create computer algorithms using information contained within the EHR to easily identify which patients have rheumatic conditions such as juvenile arthritis and lupus. We will also develop algorithms to identify adverse events, such as when a patient was hospitalized for an infection. These algorithms can be used to recruit patients for the CARRA Registry, as well as improve event reporting to the CARRA Registry.


Alysha Taxter, MD, MSCE

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

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