Development and Validation Testing of Web-based Standardized Scoring System for MRI Images in Chronic Nonbacterial Osteomyelitis
Project Period:
Grant Category:
Small Grant
Disease Area:
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) is an autoinflammatory bone disease that causes pain and destruction. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of CNO is needed to prevent these complications. Radiological imaging aids in the assessment of disease activity in CNO and guides physicians about medication recommendations. However, radiological reports are often descriptive and prone to interrater discrepancies. Our team has created a reliable scoring system for magnetic resonance imaging and has the potential as a research measuring tool in clinical trials. We propose to refine this tool by adapting this paper-based scoring tool into a web-based platform. Thus, radiological interpretation of imaging in CNO can be standardized and accessible for radiologists at multiple sites of future clinical trials. We will evaluate the agreement of scores of this adapted tool between independent radiologists and see how they correlate with patient/parent’s and physician’s impression. Results of this project will advance clinical research in CNO.

Farzana Nuruzzaman, MD
Stony Brook Children's Service, University Faculty Practice Corporation